金継ぎつぐつぐ / Kintsugi TSUGU TSUGU
英語で説明できる講師が必要ですか? Do you need an English speaking instructor? (必須)
英語の説明が必要と答えた場合、英語が必要な参加者は何名ですか? When you answered that you need an English speaking instructor, how many of you need English?
ワークショップ自体には参加しない付き添いの方がいる場合のみお答えください。 付き添いの方は何名ですか?(こちらに記載のない場合、および満席の場合椅子が足りなくなる可能性があります) Do you have any person who accompany you but will not participate the workshop? If so, please answer the number of the person(s). Note: If you don't answer this question and/or the workshop is full of reservation, we may not be able to prepare the seat for the person.
完成した金継ぎ器の引き取り方法をお選びください。 Please choose how you would like to pick up your kintsugi vessel. ①特別箱で当日持ち帰り/ Special box to take out on the day(無料/free) ※最低でも丸一日以上は、温度20~30℃かつ湿度70~85%の下に置き、封をした状態のまま箱の中で保管 Store in a closed box for at least one full day at a temperature of 20-30°C and a humidity of 70-85%. ②後日来店引取 / Pick-up at a later date(無料/free) 2日後以降にお越しください / Please come back after 2 days ③郵送 / Shipping(有料/extra payment) 漆の硬化に最低1日かかるため、最短で翌日以降に発送します。/ Since it takes at least one day for the lacquer to harden, the earliest we can ship it is the next day or later. 国内・国外発送可能。当日送料をお支払いください(クレジットカード可)/ Domestic and international shipping available. Please pay shipping fee on the day at the studio (credit card accepted).(必須)