Acupuncture has a reputation for being painful – but pain is not necessary for acupuncture to be effective. My practice of acupuncture focuses on providing a relaxing and painfree and effective treatment using very thin needles. Gentle needling and moxibustion techniques aim to encourage an openness and receptivity to treatment. I often incorporate some shiatsu on the calf thigh arm shoulders to help improve the flow of Ki and Blood in the body, reduce tension and induce a sense of relaxation and peace.

My Approach

I practice acupuncture as gently and effectively as I can. Pain makes the body recoil and protect itself so it’s best avoided where possible. Japanese Acupuncture is also known as Meridian Therapy because our intention as practitioners is to influence the flow of Ki in the meridians through refined and sophisticated needling and moxibustion techniques. I incorporate moxibustion (applying heat to acupoints) and shiatsu to enhance my treatments and create a deeper sense of calm and relaxation.

“My intention is to elecit the maximum healing response using minimal intervention and the greatest comfort.”

Fiona Hurlock

This gentle approach is very well received by sensitive, young and elderly people, and enables me to assess how your body is responding to treatment during a session so that I can provide you with the best results. For me, it is the ideal progression from my initial training in Japanese bodywork as palpation is so important in traditional Japanese acupuncture, historically being a profession of the blind.

I aim to provide you with the most appropriate treatment combined with suggestions for a moderate lifestyle which incorporates appropriate exercise and diet, and sufficient rest. This can help bring about a deeper sense of relaxation, an improvement in energy levels, a reduction in pain levels and a healthier approach to the stressors in your life.

I believe acupuncture, moxibustion and shiatsu to be extremely supportive and nurturing for the body, mind and spirit, providing flexibile approaches for emotional issues such as anxiety or insomnia as well as for more physical issues such as back pain or frozen shoulder. Also pre-conceptual support, during pregnancy and for labour preparation.

Fees and service

• whole body Treatment what your body are needed. include Acupuncture Moxibustion Shiatsu Osteopathy

( 60 min) – euro 70


Classical Japanese acupuncture shares the same philosphy and history as Traditional Chinese Acupuncture but often differs in application and technique. We believe that the body’s most responsive “ki” lies on, or just beneath the skin surface so deep or strong stimulation is mostly unnecessary. People tend to be more receptive to treatment when they feel relaxed, comfortable and safe so I endeavour to provide the conditions for this to occur.

Some general principals of treatment include:-

*Less is more Japanese acupuncture techniques use the minimal amount of stimulation necessary to attain the greatest results.

*Virtually painless Japanese needles are extremely fine and insertion is typically very shallow and painless. This provides a milder stimulation than thicker Chinese needles.

*Moxibustion a prominent feature Moxibustion refers to the warming of acu-points by burning the herb mugwort directly or indirectly on the skin. ‘Moxa’ is known to have positive effects on blood circulation and the immune system.

*Emphasis on touch In Japan, acupuncture and massage are traditional professions of the blind who naturally refined and perfected diagnosis and treatment by touch. This includes palpation of the hara (the abdomen) and meridians for diagnosis, as well as palpation and massage of acupuncture points before treating.


Moxa involves the use of a herb called Mugwort applied either directly or indirectly to the skin to stimulate Ki and blood through its warming qualities. It can be applied in various ways including small cones (chinetskyu), tiny half rice grain pieces (okyu) and larger round balls (kytushin) placed on the handle of the needle. The heat from this herb is penetrating and warming and very effective for releasing muscle tightness and relaxing tension. Moxa applied directly on the skin encourages antigens to the area and accelerates natural healing in the body.

Japan Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinicの基本情報

68 2 Legmeer Straat 1058NH

月 11:00 - 21:00

火 11:00 - 21:00

水 19:00 - 21:00

木 19:00 - 21:00

金 18:00 - 21:00

土 10:00 - 18:00

日 定休日