3 times ticket for Pregnancy Chiropractic Treatment
To alleviate pain and monitor the progress of treatment, it is recommended. The price per session is 5,000 yen (500 yen off).
Spine Chiropractic English Appointment Booking Page.
Yasumi B.C.Sc aims for fundamental improvement.
I pursue the root causes of various conditions, whether they are chronic symptoms like recurring shoulder stiffness or chronic lower back pain, or sudden occurrences like a neck spasm or acute lower back strain. Using chiropractic diagnostic methods such as joint palpation, orthopedic examinations, and muscle strength tests, I aim to identify the fundamental causes.
Neurological symptoms such as numbness, which can have various causes, are assessed using neurological examination methods to determine if they stem from peripheral nerve issues or fascial problems. I then employ suitable chiropractic approaches to eliminate the causes.
Considering factors like changes in body shape and posture during pregnancy and postpartum, I offer lifestyle advice to address a wide range of symptoms fundamentally by improving skeletal structure.
Moreover, a chiropractor with a B.C.Sc/DC qualification will provide treatments to alleviate symptoms associated with jaw pain due to clenching and grinding, neck pain, and headaches, exerting full effort to improve your concerns.