Brand New One Step in New Life-style
As society continues to undergo major and rapid changes, the purpose and style of Japanese language learning is also changing. In order to adapt to a new lifestyle,
Toyo Language School has introduced online classes that can be taken from anywhere in the world.
Take an extra step forward in your life with the Toyo Language School style of teaching, where we understand each student's background, plan their learning to achieve their goals, and work at their own pace.
● 将来的な日本留学を検討する判断材料が欲しい
● 日本国外にいながらも、日本の日本語学校の授業を体験してみたい
● 仕事で使う日本語をブラッシュアップさせたい
● 日本での生活に必要な最低限の日本語を習得して周りとのコミュニケーションを円滑にしたい
● 自分の日本語力がどの程度なのか試してみたい
● The ability to make a decision about future plans to study in Japan
● Having experiences Japanese language classes even from outside of Japan
● Brushing up Japanese proficiency for work
● Learning the minimum level of Japanese necessary for living in Japan and to be able to communicate with the people around
● Identifying your skills, ability in Japanese
When you have achieved something, you will feel that your life become a little richer or more fulfilling. Would you like to see what you are capable of?
月〜金 09:00 - 20:00
土 定休日
日 定休日