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(言語: 日本語→English)

➡ Back to Ma Place main page for all details. https://www.ma-place.com/en

Would you like to study Japanese language and culture in an at-home environment?

Ma Place means “My place” in French. I believe that learning another language is like having another place where you belong. My Japanese lessons will be a “place” where you can sigh with relief and be filled with energy.

Welcome to “Ma Place”. I will be glad if you can add it as one of your places.

Teacher profile/

20 years experience doing secretarial and office work in private enterprises such as manufacturers and trading companies, and also at educational institutions such as universities. This allows me to support you with, not only your everyday Japanese, but also either Japanese for work and "Academic Japanese". Bachelor of Arts in Japanese literature at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto.


passed Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test

TOEIC 905 points

passed DALF C1, Test in Practical French Proficiency Level1

アットホームな環境で、日本語と日本文化を 学びませんか?

Ma place(ま・ぷらす)とは、フランス語で「私の場所」。 外国語を学ぶのは、もう一つの居場所を持つことだと思います。 当教室の日本語レッスンが、“ホッとできる、元気になれる場所” になりますように。 「ま・ぷらす」へようこそ。 あなたの居場所の一つに加えてもらえたら嬉しいです。






DALF C1, 実用フランス語技能検定1級

Lesson time/

The lesson time below is negotiable. Don't hesitate to contact me.

Weekdays after 6PM and Saturdays lesson time slots are basically available for online lessons only but conditions are negociable. For morning persons or those who live out of Japan, I can also give online lessons from 4:30 to 6:30AM (JST).






月 定休日

火 09:00 - 19:00

水 09:00 - 19:00

木 09:00 - 19:00

金 09:00 - 19:00

土 13:00 - 19:00

日 定休日