
【BST】GWOベーシックセーフティトレーニング(GWO Basic Safety Training)
GWOベーシックセーフティトレーニング(GWO Basic Safety Training:GWO BST)は、洋上風力発電所での作業に従事する作業員や技術者向けの基本的な安全訓練プログラムです。作業中のリスクを理解し、適切な安全対策を実施するスキルを身につけることができます。また、この訓練は英語での受講も行っております。



・受講者はあらかじめGWO WINDAへの登録が必要です。

・GWO訓練の受講履歴は、WINDA(Wind Industry Database)システムによって管理いたします。










【BST】GWOベーシックセーフティトレーニング(GWO Basic Safety Training)



GWO Basic Safety Training (GWO BST) is a basic safety training program for operators and technicians working on offshore wind farms. It helps participants understand the risks involved during operations and develop the skills to implement appropriate safety measures. This training is also available in English.

The course consists of five modules, including Sea Survival for offshore workers, and lasts five days. Each module is valid for two years.

<Important Notes>

・Participants are required to register with GWO WINDA in advance.

・GWO’s training history will be managed by the WINDA (Wind Industry Database) system.

・Please use the same spelling as in your passport when registering.

・Please register in the same romanisation as used in your passport (Hepburn romanisation), even if you do not have a passport.

・There are no qualifications required to attend the course, but you will be asked to submit a self-declaration regarding your health condition. The procedure will be sent to you by e-mail after registration.

・Students weighing 120 kg or more are not allowed to take the course.

・The course is available in English. The course is taught using English textbook with an English-speaking instructor beside you.

※This is an addition to a regular Japanese course.

※The price is increased by 10% for courses in English.

・For groups of 6 or more, it is possible to offer a course with only English-speaking participants, please contact us.

・Please indicate your mode of transportation to the training facility when you apply. If you take the ferry from Nagasaki Port, we will pick you up at the ferry terminal on Ioujima. If you are driving, we will secure a parking space at the facility.

【BST】GWO Basic Safety Training

【ART】GWOアドバンストレスキュートレーニング(GWO Advanced Rescue Training)
GWOアドバンストレスキュートレーニング(GWO Advanced Rescue Training:GWO ART)は、風力業界で働く作業員のための高度な救助訓練です。この訓練は、高所にある風車等での作業中に発生する様々な危険、高所からの救出、タービン内での閉じ込め状態への対応などを訓練します。参加者は、実地訓練を通じて実践的な経験を積むことができます。風車内のハブ、スピナー、ブレード、ナセルといった狭い場所並びにこれら相互やタワーを結ぶ狭いハッチといった環境を想定して、適切な救助器具、方法、技術を用いて救助訓練を行います。この訓練により、GWO BSTの高所作業訓練モジュールよりも高度な救助に対応することが可能となります。



・BSTのFirst Aid、Manual Handling、Working At Heightの有効な認証をお持ちの⽅のみ、受講が可能です。










【ART】GWOアドバンストレスキュートレーニング(GWO Advanced Rescue Training)



GWO Advanced Rescue Training (GWO ART) is an advanced rescue training for workers in the wind industry. This training will train participants in the various hazards that can occur while working with wind turbines and other equipment at high elevations, rescuing people from heights, and dealing with confinement conditions within turbines. Participants will gain practical experience through hands-on training. The training will be conducted in confined spaces such as hubs, spinners, blades, nacelles, and narrow hatches connecting them to each other and to the tower, using appropriate rescue equipment, methods, and techniques. This training will allow for more advanced rescues than the GWO BST Working at Heights training module.

The program consists of four modules, with a training duration of three days and a validity period of two years.The course includes a lot of practical skills: moving dummy dolls weighing 60 kg, working in confined spaces, etc. This course requires a lot of physical strength.

<Important Notes>

・Only those with valid BST First Aid, Manual Handling, and Working At Height certificates are eligible to attend.

・GWO’s training history is managed by the WINDA system, which is administered by GWO. Participants are required to register with WINDA in advance.

・Please use the same spelling of your name as in your passport when registering in the system.

・Please register in the same romanisation as used in your passport (Hepburn romanisation), even if you do not have a passport.

・This course includes a lot of practical exercises, such as moving a 60kg dummy human figure and working in confined spaces.

・The course is available in English. The course is taught using English textbook with an English-speaking instructor beside you.

※This is an addition to a regular Japanese course.

※The price is increased by 10% for courses in English.

・For groups of 6 or more, it is possible to offer a course with only English-speaking participants, please contact us.

・Please indicate your mode of transportation to the training facility when you apply. If you take the ferry from Nagasaki Port, we will pick you up at the ferry terminal on Ioujima. If you are driving, we will secure a parking space at the facility.

【ART】GWO Advanced Rescue Training


【EFA】GWOエンハンストファーストエイド(GWO Enhanced First Aid)
GWOエンハンストファーストエイド(GWO Enhanced First Aid:GWO EFA)は、風力業界で働く作業員のための高度な応急手当訓練です。この訓練は、作業員が風車等での作業中に発生する怪我や健康上の問題に適切に対処し、迅速かつ効果的な応急手当を行うためのスキルを訓練します。訓練には、重傷者の対処、骨折や外傷の応急手当、CPR(心肺蘇生法)、AED(自動体外式除細動器)の使用などが含まれます。参加者は緊急事態に遭遇した際、冷静に行動し、人命を守るための手順を学びます。実地訓練を通じて、実践的な応用力を養うことができます。










【EFA】GWOエンハンストファーストエイド(GWO Enhanced First Aid)



GWO Enhanced First Aid (GWO EFA) is an advanced first aid training for workers in the wind industry. This training trains workers in the skills to properly respond to injuries and health problems that occur while working on wind turbines and other equipment, and to provide first aid quickly and effectively. Training includes dealing with serious injuries, first aid for broken bones and trauma, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and the use of an AED (automated external defibrillator). Participants will learn procedures to act calmly and save lives in emergency situations. Through hands-on training, participants will develop practical application skills.

The program lasts three days and is valid for two years.

<Important Notes>

・The GWO training history is managed by the WINDA system, which is administered by the GWO. Participants are required to register with WINDA in advance.

・Please use the same spelling of your name as in your passport when registering in the system.

・Please register in the same romanisation as used in your passport (Hepburn romanisation), even if you do not have a passport.

・There are no qualifications required to attend the course, but you will be asked to submit a self-declaration regarding your health condition. The procedure will be sent to you by e-mail after registration.

・The training includes medical procedures that are not allowed to be performed by the general public in Japan.

・The training does not mean that you will be able to perform medical procedures.

・Please indicate your mode of transportation to the training facility when you apply. If you take the ferry from Nagasaki Port, we will pick you up at the ferry terminal on Ioujima. If you are driving, we will secure a parking space at the facility.

【EFA】GWO Enhanced First Aid



長崎県長崎市伊王島町2丁目2047-1|2-2047-1 Ioujima-cho, Nagasaki city