
7/7・アシュタンガヨガフルプライマリー90分・ASHTANGA YOGA Full Primary 90min
【 アシュタンガヨガのスペシャルゲスト講師 】English follows!

善孝(ぜんこう)先生は、IYC( International Yoga Center ) という日本アシュタンガヨガの第一認者であるケンハマクラ先生によって創設された、日本最大規模のアシュタンガヨガスタジオや、現在都市部を中心に、ヨガやピラティスの豊富なレッスン本数とプログラムで人気を集めるzenplaceなどで、17年以上の講師経験を持つ指導歴豊富な先生です。

「 アシュタンガヨガ、気になってたんだよね。」というかたは、どうぞお気軽にご参加ください。(定員枠5名予定 )

★ 先生のウェブサイト

★ IYCのインストラクター紹介ページ

★ zenplaceのインストラクター紹介ページ

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【 講師からのメッセージ 】



【 講師紹介 】

・ヨガインストラクター / ヨガデザイナー
・目黒区教育委員会主催社会教育講座、東京自由大学、東京茶寮、GINZA SIXなどでイベントや講義を開催.


※ マットレンタル 330円


* キャンセルについてなどNEW YORK STYLE YOGAの利用規約に準じます。
* クラス中での怪我や持病の悪化などはその責任を負いかねますのでご了承下さい。
* 妊娠中の方はクラスの参加について医師と相談して安全に無理せず受講して下さい。

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【 A special guest teacher of ASHTANGA YOGA = Zenkou-sensei 】

Zenkou is a yoga teacher with a rich teaching history with over 17 years of teaching experience at popular studios in Japan such as IYC and zenplace.

What is IYC?
→ The largest Ashtanga yoga studio group in Japan, founded by Ken Hamakura, the foremost authority on Ashtanga yoga in Japan.

What is zenplace?
→ Zenplace is the studio company is currently gaining popularity mainly in the city areas for its abundant yoga and Pilates lessons and programs.

If you have been interested in Ashtanga yoga, please feel free to join us. ( Planned capacity for 5 people )

★ Teacher's website

★ IYC instructor page

★ zenplace instructor page

【 Class discription and the message from Zenkou-sensei 】

We will do the full primary + first half of the second series of Ashtanga yoga.
Also, as an added bonus, on this day we will specifically explain BACKBENDS and ARM BALANCES in detail.

We will also introduce practice methods for beginners, so even those with no experience in Ashtanga yoga can participate. Take this opportunity to take deep breaths and refresh your mind and body!

【 About Zenkou-sensei 】

・Yoga instructor / yoga designer
・He has been teaching for over 17 years at IYC, Zenplace, etc.
・Events and lectures are held at social education courses sponsored by the Meguro Ward Board of Education, Tokyo Free University, Tokyo Saryo, GINZA SIX, etc.
・Organizing his own online salon "ZENKOU YOGA CREATIVE ROOM".

【 Belongings 】

Clothes, yoga mat, water, sport towel
* Mat rental 330 yen

【 others 】

*Cancellation and other terms and conditions apply to NEW YORK STYLE YOGA.
*Please note that we cannot be held responsible for injuries or aggravation of chronic illnesses during class.
*If you are pregnant, please consult your doctor about participating in the class and participate safely.
7/15 INVERSION PRACTICE 90MIN WS / 逆転ポーズに挑戦!90分WS
Class Level ★★★ / クラスレベル ★★★
In this class, we will be trying out YOGA INVERSIONS!

What is YOGA INVERSIONS ? / 逆転ポーズ
Poses in which the body is turned upside down like supported head stand, forearm stand and hand stand are called inversion poses. 支えのある頭立ち、前腕スタンド、ハンドスタンドのように、カラダの上下を逆さまにするようなポーズを逆転ポーズといいます。

Difficulty of pose / ポーズの難易度
A simple classification of pose levels is as follows.

  Level.1 supported head stand / 支えのある頭立ち
 Level.2 forearm stand / 前腕スタンド
 Level.3 hand stand / ハンドスタンド

The less surface contact you have with the foor, the more difficult the pose will be.

About this WS / ワークショップについて
We will set different goal pose for each person and give a lecture on how to practice that goal pose. For this reason, we have a longer class time than normal classes. And curiosity about the poses that you are not able to do for now is more important than being obsessed with whether or not you can do it.

What you need for the class / 持ちもの
 Yoga mat, water, towel, yoga wea
 マット, お水, タオル, ウエア
 Rental mat 330yen
 マットレンタル 330円

Request for revie レビューのお願い
Please leave a review of your impressions of WS for future reference.
We also welcome requests to the studio such as you want to take this class.
今後の参考のために、WSへの感想のレビューをお願いいたします。 「こんなクラスが受けたい」など、スタジオへのリクエストもお待ちしています。

Thank you!
NEW!ASHTANGA YOGA Half Primary LED75/ アシュタンガヨガハーフプライマリーレッド75
Class Level ★★★ / クラスレベル ★★★
This class is led by Zenkou. こちらのクラス担当は善孝(ぜんこう)先生です。
( An instructor's propile is at the bottom of the page. 講師紹介はページ1番下にあります )

Ashtanga yoga is a method developed by K. Pattabhi Jois, and is a traditional style of yoga that involves performing a set sequence of poses while linking breathing and poses. Ashtanga yoga is a very wonderful practice that is practiced all over the world, but it requires a "devotion" attitude to your practice. If you are not used to this yet, it may feel strict at first, as the direction which is called drishti in which you should look is determined in detail.


The studio owner's personal experience

For the first 4 to 5 years, when I was an inexperienced yoga practitioner, I did not understand the benefits of Ashtanga yoga at all. However, now even more than the unique Vinyasa yoga that can be experienced at American studios, ``Ashtanga yoga'', which involves performing certain poses in an orderly manner, is the best way to ``observe yourself'' and ``face yourself''. I have come to believe that yoga is the king of all, and I continue to practice Ashtanga yoga.



◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎ Important! / 大事 ◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎

About the difference between Ashtanga yoga's Mysore class and Led class. アシュタンガヨガのレッドクラスとマイソールクラスの違い。

There are two Ashtanga yoga classes: Mysore class and Led class. Led class is a class where everyone moves in unison under the teacher's lead according to the count. Mysore, on the other hand, means learning the order and movements of poses and practicing at your own pace.


▼ Therefore / そのため ▼

If you are completely new to Ashtanga yoga, please join us from the "Led" class. If you can memorize the order of the poses in the Red class, it would be a good idea to try the Mysore class.



How to book
You can book a class, only after you purchased a class ticket at product page.

About the price
The price displayed is the price when purchasing a SPECIAL 10-time ticket.

Things to bring
 Mat, Water bottle, Towel, Wear
 Mat rental 330yen

 マット, お水, タオル, ウエア
 マットレンタル 330円

About schedule Change
If you want to change the schedule, cancel the book first, and book a new class!


Request for the review /レビューのお願い
Please leave a review of your impressions of the class for future reference. Our teachers are also looking forward to your reviews! 今後の参考のために、クラスへの感想のレビューをお願いいたします。先生方もみなさまからのレビューを楽しみにされています!


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Teacher's profile / 先生のプロフィール
・INSTAGRAM ▶︎▶︎ @zenkouyoga
・IYC、zenplaceなどで17年以上指 導.
 Teaching yoga over 17years
 Organizing hiz own on-demand service of "ZENKOU YOGA CREATIVE ROOM ".
New York Style YOGA 75/ ニューヨークスタイルヨガ 75
Class Level ★★★ / クラスレベル ★★★

New York Style Yoga is a yoga class started in 2013 by a studio owner who loves New York yoga. This class contains not only New York's unique Vinyasa yoga, but also Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kundalini yoga, and various other yoga elements learned from Indian and Western teachers. It is a difficult class, but people say that it gives them a sense of accomplishment!



How to book
You can book a class, only after you purchased a class ticket at product page.

About the price
The price displayed is the price when purchasing a SPECIAL 10-time ticket.

Things to bring
 Mat, Water bottle, Towel, Wear
 Mat rental 330yen
 マット, お水, タオル, ウエア
 マットレンタル 330円

About schedule Change
If you want to change the schedule, cancel the book first, and book a new class!

Request for revie /レビューのお願い
Please leave a review of your impressions of the class for future reference. We also welcome requests to the studio such as you want to take this class.
今後の参考のために、クラスへの感想のレビューをお願いいたします。 「こんなクラスが受けたい」など、スタジオへのリクエストもお待ちしています。

Vinyasa Yoga 70/ ヴィンヤサヨガ 70
Class Level ★★☆ / クラスレベル ★★☆

Vinyasa yoga is a type of yoga that uses the connection between movement and breath to deepen the state of the mind. Anyone can enjoy this class. If you're used to one-star strength classes like BASIC or LUNCH YOGA, you'll enjoy deepening your focus while moving with the rhythm of your breath and music.

ヴィンヤサヨガは、ヨガの一種で、動きと呼吸をつなげることで、心の状態を深めていきます。どなたでも楽しんでいただけます。BASICやLUNCH YOGAなど、星1つの強度のクラスに慣れてきたかたは、ヴィンヤサのクラスで集中をより深めていく感覚を味わいましょう。


How to book
You can book a class, only after you purchased a class ticket at product page.

About the price
The price displayed is the price when purchasing a SPECIAL 10-time ticket.

Things to bring
 Mat, Water bottle, Towel, Wear
 Mat rental 330yen
 マット, お水, タオル, ウエア
 マットレンタル 330円

About schedule Change
If you want to change the schedule, cancel the book first, and book a new class!

Request for revie / レビューのお願い
Please leave a review of your impressions of the class for future reference. We also welcome requests to the studio such as you want to take this class. 今後の参考のために、クラスへの感想のレビューをお願いいたします。 「こんなクラスが受けたい」など、スタジオへのリクエストもお待ちしています。

Kundalini Vinyasa / クンダリーニヴィンヤサ
Class Level ★★☆ / クラスレベル ★★☆

Kundalini yoga is not very familiar in Japan, but it is a powerful yoga that has a very strong purifying power. The movements are simple, but they gradually become harder and your brain gets confused by the movements that are different from normal. When you practice Kundalini yoga, you sweat a lot. This class combines basic Kundalini exercises with Vinyasa.



How to book
You can book a class, only after you purchased a class ticket at product page.

About the price
The price displayed is the price when purchasing a SPECIAL 10-time ticket.

Things to bring
 Mat, Water bottle, Towel, Wear
 Mat rental 300yen
 マット, お水, タオル, ウエア
 マットレンタル 330円

About schedule Change
If you want to change the schedule, cancel the book first, and book a new class!

Request for revie / レビューのお願い
Please leave a review of your impressions of the class for future reference. We also welcome requests to the studio such as you want to take this class. 今後の参考のために、クラスへの感想のレビューをお願いいたします。 「こんなクラスが受けたい」など、スタジオへのリクエストもお待ちしています。

All Level Vinyasa 60 / オールレベル ヴィンヤサ 60
Class Level ★☆☆〜★★☆ / クラスレベル ★☆☆〜★★☆

This class is recommended for people who are busy and don't have enough time for yoga. Based on sun salutations, you do various yoga poses at a good pace in time with your breathing, and even stretch your muscles and joints. Yoga is the ultimate "Self-Transformation". The benefits of yoga are that by working on the nervous system, your body will feel less tired, your mind will be more relaxed, and your life as a whole will become more comfortable.


※ This class is open to people of all levels. Please note that we will adjust the class content on days when there are many beginners and days when there are many experienced students.

※ こちらのクラスは、すべてのレベルのかたにご参加いただけるクラスです。ビギナーが多い日、慣れているかたが多い日で、クラスの内容を調節させていただくので、ご了承ください。


How to book
You can book a class, only after you purchased a class ticket at product page.

About the price
The price displayed is the price when purchasing a SPECIAL 10-time ticket.

About the price
The price displayed (2,750 yen) is the price when purchasing a 10-time ticket.

Things to bring
 Mat, Water bottle, Towel, Wear
 Mat rental 330yen
 マット, お水, タオル, ウエア
 マットレンタル 330円

About schedule Change
If you want to change the schedule, cancel the book first, and book a new class!

Request for revie / レビューのお願い
Please leave a review of your impressions of the class for future reference. We also welcome requests to the studio such as you want to take this class. 今後の参考のために、クラスへの感想のレビューをお願いいたします。 「こんなクラスが受けたい」など、スタジオへのリクエストもお待ちしています。

Morning Yoga /朝ヨガ
Class Level ★☆☆〜★★☆ / クラスレベル ★☆☆〜★★☆

You do various yoga poses at a good pace, based on sun salutations. In the morning when you don't have much time, you can turn on your sympathetic nervous system by moving your body efficiently and deepening your breath. By taking multiple yoga poses and stretching your muscles and joints before you go to work, you can go into work feeling both physically and mentally.


※ This class is open to people of all levels. Please note that we will adjust the class content on days when there are many beginners and days when there are many experienced students.

※ こちらのクラスは、すべてのレベルのかたにご参加いただけるクラスです。ビギナーが多い日、慣れているかたが多い日で、クラスの内容を調節させていただくので、ご了承ください。


How to book
You can book a class, only after you purchased a class ticket at product page.

About the price
The price displayed is the price when purchasing a 10-time ticket.

Things to bring
 Mat, Water bottle, Towel, Wear
 Mat rental 330yen
 マット, お水, タオル, ウエア
 マットレンタル 330円

About schedule Change
If you want to change the schedule, cancel the book first, and book a new class!

Request for revie レビューのお願い
Please leave a review of your impressions of class for future reference. We also welcome requests to the studio such as you want to take this class. 今後の参考のために、クラスへの感想のレビューをお願いいたします。 「こんなクラスが受けたい」など、スタジオへのリクエストもお待ちしています。

Beginner Yoga 60/ ビギナーヨガ 60
Class Level ★☆☆ / クラスレベル ★☆☆

Beginner Yoga is the perfect class for those who want to start yoga.
In the first half of the class, you will learn basic yoga poses for the foundation, and in the second half, you will move in a VINYASA style, where you move with the rhythm of your breath by connecting multiple poses seamlessly.



How to book
You can book a class, only after you purchased a class ticket at product page.

About the price
The price displayed is the price when purchasing a SPECIAL 10-time ticket.

Things to bring
 Mat, Water bottle, Towel, Wear
 Mat rental 330yen
 マット, お水, タオル, ウエア
 マットレンタル 330円

About schedule Change
If you want to change the schedule, cancel the book first, and book a new class!

Request for revie / レビューのお願い
Please leave a review of your impressions of the class for future reference. We also welcome requests to the studio such as you want to take this class. 今後の参考のために、クラスへの感想のレビューをお願いいたします。 「こんなクラスが受けたい」など、スタジオへのリクエストもお待ちしています。




月〜金 00:00 - 23:59

土・日 00:00 - 23:59