
恵比寿/Ebisu 金継ぎ教室/Regular Kintsugi Classes 90分/mins
東京で大人気の金継ぎ教室 つぐつぐの本店、恵比寿🏡
Regular Kintsugi Clasees at Ebisu Studio (90mins) 【Note】≧10 classes needed to complete your kintsugi.

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VM9McRybPLN2T5im9

This is a reservation page for people who can participate our classes multipul times, Please go to a differet page for one time kintsugi workshop.

初心者OK🔰うるしを使った伝統金継ぎ / Beginners Welcome! Traditional Kintsugi Classes with Urushi

①開講日時 / Schedule * (E): English OK

月曜日 (Mon):オンライン教室 Online kintsugi classes

火曜日 (Tue):10:00-11:30 / 14:00-15:30 / 19:00-20:30   

水曜日 (Wed):定休日 / Closed

木曜日 (Thu):10:00-11:30 / 14:00-15:30 (E)

金曜日 (Fri):10:00-11:30 / 14:00-15:30

土曜日 (Sat):10:00-11:30 / 14:00-15:30

日曜日 (Sun):10:00-11:30 / 14:00-15:30 (E)

各講座の担当講師は下記URLをご参照ください👇 Teachers' list in the URL (Japanese)


English class changes often, so please email us to check the latest information.


■ 入会金 (Registration Fee):¥11,000
■ 1回受講料 (1 time ticket):¥6,600 
5講座チケット (5 time ticket): ¥27,500(¥5,500/ticketでお得🤗)期限6ヶ月/6 months expiration
10講座チケット(10 time ticket):¥49,500(¥4,950/ticketでお得🤗)期限12ヶ月/12 months expiration
■ 器保管料:3,300円 / 年 ※お教室にて器をお預かりする時のみ発生
Storage of items at Tsugu Tsugu's studio (including the use of the drying cabinet for optimal drying): 3300 yen/year
■ 金継ぎキット/Kintsugi Kit:¥9,800〜(金粉/銀粉の量の違いで4種類から選べます/4 types of different kits with a different amounts of gold/silver powder)

その他下記のお得な特典もあります✨Other special offers
■ 10講座達成で次回受講料1,000円OFF / 1,000 yen off the next course fee for every 10 courses completed
■ 友達紹介で紹介者・入会者共に1,000円OFF / 1,000 yen OFF for both the introducer and the member with the referral

現金・クレジットカードでのお支払いが可能です💳 Payment by cash or credit card is accepted

※初回時のお支払い額例 /Example of initial payment
・入会金+5講座チケット+器保管ご依頼有り+つぐキット金ご購入の場合: 51,600円(税込)~
Registration fee + 5 time tickets + 1yr item storage fee + Tsugu kit gold : 51,600 yen (tax included)
・入会金+1講座チケット+器保管ご依頼無し+つぐキット金ご購入の場合: 27,400円(税込)~
Registration fee + 1 time ticket + no request for item storage + Tsugu kit gold: 27,400 yen (tax included)~

③用意する物 / What you need to prepare

About 3-5 broken/chipped/cracked vessels that you want to kintsugi. (Please let us know if you don't have so many)

If you do not have any broken vessels, please contact us in advance so we can purchase them inexpensively at the store.

Salt/oil on the vessel will weaken the kintsugi repair, so please wash and dry well in advance and bring it with you so that we can start smoothly.

Clothes or apron that can get dirty, and a hair clip if you have long hair are recommended.

④キャンセル規定 / Cancelation Plicy

Reservation changes or cancellations made less than one hour prior to the start of the class, or cancellations made without notice will result in a one-time fee being charged (or one ticket being used). Email is recommended.

その他ご不明点などございましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください💌 Contact → info@kintsugi-girl.com

We are closed on Wed. And our admin is not in the office on Thursdays, so we will reply to inquiries of Wednesdays and Thursdays on Friday or later.
浅草/Asakusa 金継ぎ教室/Regular Kintsugi Classes 90分/mins
東京で大人気の金継ぎ教室 つぐつぐ浅草🏡
Regular Kintsugi Clasees at Asakusa Studio (90mins)
【Note】≧10 classes needed to complete your kintsugi.

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/MU7GG8ovvTaxgYFbA

This is a reservation page for people who can participate our classes multipul times, Please go to a differet page for one time kintsugi workshop.

初心者OK🔰うるしを使った伝統金継ぎ / Beginners Welcome! Traditional Kintsugi Classes with Urushi

①開講日時 / Schedule

月曜日 (Mon):定休日 / Closed

火曜日 (Tue):10:00-11:30 / 19:00-20:30 

水曜日 (Wed):定休日 / Closed

木曜日 (Thu):10:00-11:30 / 14:00-15:30

金曜日 (Fri):10:00-11:30 / 14:00-15:30

土曜日 (Sat):10:00-11:30 / 14:00-15:30

日曜日 (Sun):10:00-11:30 / 14:00-15:30

各講座の担当講師は下記URLをご参照ください👇 Teachers' list in the URL (Japanese)



■ 入会金 (Registration Fee):¥11,000
■ 1回受講料 (1 time ticket):¥6,600 
5講座チケット (5 time ticket): ¥27,500(¥5,500/ticketでお得🤗)期限6ヶ月/6 months expiration
10講座チケット(10 time ticket):¥49,500(¥4,950/ticketでお得🤗)期限12ヶ月/12 months expiration
■ 器保管料:3,300円 / 年 ※お教室にて器をお預かりする時のみ発生 Storage of items at Tsugu Tsugu's studio (including the use of the drying cabinet for optimal drying): 3300 yen/year
■ 金継ぎキット/Kintsugi Kit:¥9,800〜(金粉/銀粉の量の違いで4種類から選べます/4 types of different kits with a different amounts of gold/silver powder)

その他下記のお得な特典もあります✨Other special offers
■ 10講座達成で次回受講料1,000円OFF / 1,000 yen off the next course fee for every 10 courses completed
■ 友達紹介で紹介者・入会者共に1,000円OFF / 1,000 yen OFF for both the introducer and the member with the referral

現金・クレジットカードでのお支払いが可能です💳 Payment by cash or credit card is accepted

※初回時のお支払い額例 /Example of initial payment
・入会金+5講座チケット+器保管ご依頼有り+つぐキット金ご購入の場合: 51,600円(税込)~
Registration fee + 5 time tickets + 1yr item storage fee + Tsugu kit gold : 51,600 yen (tax included)
・入会金+1講座チケット+器保管ご依頼無し+つぐキット金ご購入の場合: 27,400円(税込)~
Registration fee + 1 time ticket + no request for item storage + Tsugu kit gold: 27,400 yen (tax included)~

③用意する物 / What you need to prepare

About 3-5 broken/chipped/cracked vessels that you want to kintsugi. (Please let us know if you don't have so many)

If you do not have any broken vessels, please contact us in advance so we can purchase them inexpensively at the store.

Salt/oil on the vessel will weaken the kintsugi repair, so please wash and dry well in advance and bring it with you so that we can start smoothly.

Clothes or apron that can get dirty, and a hair clip if you have long hair are recommended.

④キャンセル規定 / Cancelation Plicy

Reservation changes or cancellations made less than one hour prior to the start of the class, or cancellations made without notice will result in a one-time fee being charged (or one ticket being used). Email is recommended.

その他ご不明点などございましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください💌 Contact → info@kintsugi-girl.com

We are closed on Wed. And our admin is not in the office on Thursdays, so we will reply to inquiries of Wednesdays and Thursdays on Friday or later.
恵比寿/Ebisu伝統金継ぎワークショップ/Traditional Kintsugi Workshops
Experience the traditional kintsugi workshops using urushi lacquer and 23KT gold to repair a broken vessel at Ebisu studio (60mins)

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VM9McRybPLN2T5im9

Kintsugi is a long process and cannot be completed from broken to finished in a single day. Therefore, we restore the broken pieces up to the last step, and you can experience only the finishing process. Please note that you cannot bring your own vessels. We will prepare all the materials for you.

ご用意できる器の数に限りがあるため先着順となり、月毎に器が無くなり次第、予告なく予約受付を終了します。 Due to the limited number of vessels available, reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be closed without prior notice when all vessels are no longer available each month.

①人数 / Number of participants

Ebisu studio can accommodate 1〜6 people ( If you are 7-13 people, go to the Asakusa studio)

対象年齢:10歳以上 / Ages: 10 years and older

②内容 / Contents

We will give you the vessel you complete kintsugi. You will experiece only the last step of the whole long kintsugi procedures. 
Traditional kintsugi is food-safe approach.

Choose one vessel -> sanding -> making bengal-red urushi -> applying the urushi -> finishing with gold powder!

③器の受け取り方法 / How to get your kintsugi vessel after the workshop

It takes few days for the lacquer to dry under a temperature of 20-30°C and humidity of 70-85%.

【方法①】当社が開発した「つぐつぐ特製 漆乾燥ボックス」に入れて当日持ち帰り(ただし1日〜1週間、箱を閉じたまま20-30℃の暖かい部屋に置いて乾かします。その後、手順書に沿ってお掃除してください)

Method① Take out your vessel in our special drying box on the day (You should keep the box closed for a day to a week in a room with the temperature of 20-30 degrees celcius) You need to clean your vessel by yourself (We will give you the instruction manual)


Method② If you don't want to maintenance it specified on 1, you can leave it in our studio and pick it up after a day to 1 week (longer is better). We will clean it before you pick up.


Method③(Additional Fee Required) We can ship your kintsugi vessel to your country or hotel in Japan in few days to a week after we cleaned your vessel. You need to pay the extra shipping fee in our studio on the day. (Usually the domestic shipping costs around ¥1,000 and the international shipping costs ¥4,500〜)

④料金 / Price

当サイトのオンライン事前決済で予約確定 / Your reservation will be confirmed upon your online payment

※ 金継ぎした器のプレゼントが不要の場合は5500円割引いたします。特別なご予約になるため、お問い合わせよりご連絡ください。
The workshop price is discounted if you don't wish to get the kintsugi vessel after the workshop. Please contact us before you proceed this reservation page.

If you would like to schedule a workshop for a date and time other than we have scheduled, we may be able to organize it if it fits with the instructor's schedule. However, there is a special handling fee of 5,500 yen per group. Please contact us by Email.

If you wish to charter the room, payment can be made for 6 persons. 

Please contact us by Email if you wish on-site workshops.

④対応言語 / Languages


Currently, there are many requests from non-Japanese participants. Our kintsugi instructors are on training to be able to respond to them. Although they are not fluent in English, we do our best to explain in English. If you would like the workshop to be conducted in English, please let us know when you make the reservation. Please note that if there are participants in both Japanese and English, explanations will be given in both languages which would take longer time than in one language.

⑤持ち物 / What you need to prepare

No need to bring anything. Please wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty or Japanese working clothes are available for 6 people. Those with long hair should have a hair clip to bind it.

⑥その他の注意 / Other precautions

【ご来店の遅れについて / Delay Policy】

Even if you arrive late, the end time will not be extended.

If you do not show up for your appointment within 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment time, we will consider your appointment as cancelled without notice. If you are going to be late for your appointment due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact us as soon as you know. However, please understand that we will not be able to extend the end time of the workshop.

【キャンセル規定 / Cancelation Policy】

Cancellation from 3 days prior to the event to the day of the event: 100% of the workshop fee will be charged.

Cancellation without notice: 100% of the reservation amount will be charged.

⑦お問い合わせ/ Contact

〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿2-21-2 akikito apt. 1階 /1F akikito apt. 2-21-2 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
TEL : 03-6879-0940(10:00-18:00営業、水曜休 / Open 10:00-18:00, closed Wed)
Email: info@kintsugi-girl.com
恵比寿/Ebisu 金継ぎ風アクセサリー作り/Kintsugi-style Workshop 60分/mins
Kintsugi-style Workshops to create accessories without using urushi lacquer (no risk to get skin rash) at Ebisu studio (60mins) Kids OK!

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VM9McRybPLN2T5im9

Note: You cannot repair your broken vessels. We will provide all the materials.

①人数 / Number of participants

Ebisu studio can accomodate 1〜6 people ( If you are 7-13 people, go to the Asakusa studio)

対象年齢:6歳以上 / Ages: 6 years and older

②内容 / Contents

Choose sea glasses/ceramics (usually 4 pcs) -> sticking pieces together -> apply gold liquid-> attach metal parts (if needed)

You can choose as many parts and fittings as you like within the workshop time.

You can take it home on the day. However, do not use it for 24 hrs until the glue becomes hard enough.


当サイトのオンライン事前決済で予約確定 / Your reservation will be confirmed upon your online payment

If you would like to schedule a workshop for a date and time other than we have scheduled, we may be able to organize it if it fits with the instructor's schedule. However, there is a special handling fee of 5,500 yen per group. Please contact us by Email.

If you wish to charter the room, payment can be made for 6 persons.

Please contact us by Email if you wish on-site workshops.

④対応言語 / Languages

Currently, there are many requests from non-Japanese participants. Our kintsugi instructors are on training to be able to respond to them. Although they are not fluent in English, we do our best to explain in English. If you would like the workshop to be conducted in English, please let us know when you make the reservation. Please note that if there are participants in both Japanese and English, explanations will be given in both languages which would take longer time than in one language.

⑤持ち物 / What you need to prepare

No need to bring anything. Japanese patterned clothes are available. Those with long hair should have a hair clip to bind it.

⑥その他の注意 / Other precautions

【ご来店の遅れについて / Delay Policy】

Even if you arrive late, the end time will not be extended.

If you do not show up for your appointment within 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment time, we will consider your appointment as cancelled without notice. If you are going to be late for your appointment due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact us as soon as you know. However, please understand that we will not be able to extend the end time of the workshop.

【キャンセル規定 / Cancelation Policy】

Cancellation from 3 days prior to the event to the day of the event: 100% of the workshop fee will be charged.

Cancellation without notice: 100% of the reservation amount will be charged.

⑦お問い合わせ/ Contact

〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿2-21-2 akikito apt. 1階 /1F akikito apt. 2-21-2 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
TEL : 03-6879-0940(10:00-18:00営業、水曜休 / Open 10:00-18:00, closed Wed)
Email: info@kintsugi-girl.com
浅草/Asakua 伝統金継ぎワークショップ/Traditional Kintsugi Workshops
Experience the traditional kintsugi workshops using urushi lacquer and 23KT gold to repair a broken vessel at Ebisu studio (60mins)

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/MU7GG8ovvTaxgYFbA

Kintsugi is a long process and cannot be completed from broken to finished in a single day. Therefore, we restore the broken pieces up to the last step, and you can experience only the finishing process. Please note tat you cannot bring your own vessels. We will prepare all the materials for you.

ご用意できる器の数に限りがあるため先着順となり、月毎に器が無くなり次第、予告なく予約受付を終了します。 Due to the limited number of vessels available, reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be closed without prior notice when all vessels are no longer available each month.

①人数 / Number of participants

浅草店:1〜13名まで / Asakusa studio can accommodate 1〜13 people 

対象年齢:10歳以上 / Ages: 10 years and older

②内容 / Contents


We will give you the vessel you complete kintsugi. You will experiece only the last step of the whole long kintsugi procedures. 
Traditional kintsugi is food-safe approach.

Choose one vessel -> sanding -> making bengal-red urushi -> applying the urushi -> finishing with gold powder!

③器の受け取り方法 / How to get your kintsugi vessel after the workshop

It takes few days for the lacquer to dry under a temperature of 20-30°C and humidity of 70-85%.

【方法①】当社が開発した「つぐつぐ特製 漆乾燥ボックス」に入れて当日持ち帰り(ただし1日〜1週間、箱を閉じたまま20-30℃の暖かい部屋に置いて乾かします。その後、手順書に沿ってお掃除してください)

Method① Take out your vessel in our special drying box on the day (You should keep the box closed for a day to a week in a room with the temperature of 20-30 degrees celcius) You need to clean your vessel by yourself (We will give you the instruction manual)


Method② If you don't want to maintenance it specified on 1, you can leave it in our studio and pick it up after a day to 1 week (longer is better). We will clean it before you pick up.


Method③(Additional Fee Required) We can ship your kintsugi vessel to your country or hotel in Japan in few days to a week after we cleaned your vessel. You need to pay the extra shipping fee in our studio on the day. (Usually the domestic shipping costs around ¥1,000 and the international shipping costs ¥4,500〜)

④料金 / Price

当サイトのオンライン事前決済で予約確定 / Your reservation will be confirmed upon your online payment

※ 金継ぎした器のプレゼントが不要の場合は5500円割引いたします。特別なご予約になるため、お問い合わせよりご連絡ください。
The workshop price is discounted if you don't wish to get the kintsugi vessel after the workshop. Please contact us before you proceed this reservation page.

If you would like to schedule a workshop for a date and time other than we have scheduled, we may be able to organize it if it fits with the instructor's schedule. However, there is a special handling fee of 5,500 yen per group. Please contact us by Email.

If you wish to charter the room, payment can be made for 6 persons. 

Please contact us by Email if you wish on-site workshops.

④対応言語 / Languages


Currently, there are many requests from non-Japanese participants. Our kintsugi instructors are on training to be able to respond to them. Although they are not fluent in English, we do our best to explain in English. If you would like the workshop to be conducted in English, please let us know when you make the reservation. Please note that if there are participants in both Japanese and English, explanations will be given in both languages which would take longer time than in one language.

⑤持ち物 / What you need to prepare

手ぶらで参加OK!汚れても良い服装でお越しいただくか、6名様限定で作務衣をご用意しています。 髪の長い方は束ねる髪留めがあると良いです。
No need to bring anything. Please wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty or Japanese working clothes are available for 6 people. Those with long hair should have a hair clip to bind it.

⑥その他の注意 / Other precautions

【ご来店の遅れについて / Delay Policy】

Even if you arrive late, the end time will not be extended.

If you do not show up for your appointment within 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment time, we will consider your appointment as cancelled without notice. If you are going to be late for your appointment due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact us as soon as you know. However, please understand that we will not be able to extend the end time of the workshop.

【キャンセル規定 / Cancelation Policy】

Cancellation from 3 days prior to the event to the day of the event: 100% of the workshop fee will be charged.

Cancellation without notice: 100% of the reservation amount will be charged.

⑦お問い合わせ/ Contact

〒111-0034 東京都台東区雷門1丁目1番2号1階 / 1F, 1-1-2 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku, Tokyo 

TEL:03-5246-3476(月水休み) Closed on Mon & Wed

Email: info@kintsugi-girl.com
浅草/Asakusa 金継ぎ風アクセサリー作り/Kintsugi-style Workshop 60分/mins
Kintsugi-style Workshops to create accessories without using urushi lacquer (no risk to get skin rash) at Asakusa studio (60mins) Kids OK!

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/MU7GG8ovvTaxgYFbA

Note: You cannot repair your broken vessels. We will provide all the materials.

①人数 / Number of participants

Asakusa studio can accomodate 1〜13 people

対象年齢:6歳以上 / Ages: 6 years and older

②内容 / Contents

Choose sea glasses/ceramics (usually 4 pcs) -> sticking pieces together -> apply gold liquid-> attach metal parts (if needed)

You can choose as many parts and fittings as you like within the workshop time.

You can take it home on the day. However, do not use it for 24 hrs until the glue becomes hard enough.

③料金 / Price

当サイトのオンライン事前決済で予約確定 / Your reservation will be confirmed upon your online payment

If you would like to schedule a workshop for a date and time other than we have scheduled, we may be able to organize it if it fits with the instructor's schedule. However, there is a special handling fee of 5,500 yen per group. Please contact us by Email.

If you wish to charter the room, payment can be made for 6 persons.

Please contact us by Email if you wish on-site workshops.

④対応言語 / Languages

Currently, there are many requests from non-Japanese participants. Our kintsugi instructors are on training to be able to respond to them. Although they are not fluent in English, we do our best to explain in English. If you would like the workshop to be conducted in English, please let us know when you make the reservation. Please note that if there are participants in both Japanese and English, explanations will be given in both languages which would take longer time than in one language.

⑤持ち物 / What you need to prepare

No need to bring anything. Those with long hair should have a hair clip to bind it.

⑥その他の注意 / Other precautions

【ご来店の遅れについて / Delay Policy】

Even if you arrive late, the end time will not be extended.

If you do not show up for your appointment within 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment time, we will consider your appointment as cancelled without notice. If you are going to be late for your appointment due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact us as soon as you know. However, please understand that we will not be able to extend the end time of the workshop.

【キャンセル規定 / Cancelation Policy】

Cancellation from 3 days prior to the event to the day of the event: 100% of the workshop fee will be charged.

Cancellation without notice: 100% of the reservation amount will be charged.

⑦お問い合わせ/ Contact

〒111-0034 東京都台東区雷門1丁目1番2号1階 / 1F, 1-1-2 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku, Tokyo
TEL:03-5246-3476(月水休み) Closed on Mon & Wed
Email: info@kintsugi-girl.com
恵比寿/Ebisu 金継ぎ修理依頼/Kintsugi Repair Request 30分/mins
Please understand that it will take about 1 year to complete the work at this time, as each item is repaired by hand using lacquer.

Upon reservaton, you can ask our proffessional kintsugi artist for repair of your broken ceramics.
【Note】The repair takes more about 1 year to complete. We will return the items to the address in Japan. (International shipping is not accepted due to the high risk to damage your items)

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VM9McRybPLN2T5im9

You can consult with us directly about repairing your vessels, either in our store or by sending us photos by emailing those to us!

Since each vessel is broken differently, the repair price will vary depending on the material of the vessel and how it is broken. Due to the influx of repair requests, we now require appointments in order to provide each customer with a detailed estimate of the cost.

店舗にご来店いただいての見積もり・ご相談は無料です。Estimates and consultations are free of charge.

おひとり様最大30分を確保させていただき、ご予約された方が優先となります。遅刻された場合、後にご予約が入っていましたらお待ちいただく場合があります。A maximum of 30 minutes per person will be allotted, and priority will be given to those with reservations. If you are late, you may be asked to wait if you have a later reservation.

見積もり後、ご納得の上ご依頼いただく場合はその場でお支払いとなり、修理が開始されます。ご納得いただけない場合はお預けいただかなくて問題ございません。Only when you are satisfied with our estimate, we wil start repairing. If you are not satisfied with our estimate, we will not begin the repair and you wil take your item home.

修理見積りのおおよその金額はこちらをご参照ください💰Click here for an approximate repair estimate. (In Japanese)

【金継ぎがお受けできない物】/ Items which we cannot repair with kintsugi
・一番長い部分が30cm以上の品物 / Items with the longest part longer than 30 cm
・土鍋やケトル(金継ぎ後は95℃以上のお湯を入れてのご使用、直火でのご使用はNGとなります)/ Earthenware pots and kettles (After kintsugi, it is not acceptable to use these pots or kettles with hot water over 95℃ or over an open flame.)
・薄張りのグラスや、分割数が多い割れのガラス / Thinly lined glass or broken glass with a large number of divisions
・グラスのステム部分の割れ(ステム部分が細い場合、修理後の強度が保証できない為)Broken stem part of glass (if the stem is thin, we cannot guarantee the strength of the glass after repair).

※事前にメールでのお問い合わせをおススメいたします!We recommend that you contact us by e-mail in advance!

※器は必ず洗浄してからお持ちください。Please be sure to clean your vessels before bringing them.

For English-speaking customers: Please note that a kintsugi professional who is not fluent in English may serve you. In such cases, we will communicate with you using a translation app/device.

その他ご不明点などございましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください💌 Contact

Address:150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿2-21-2 akikito apt. 1階
1F akikito apt. 2-21-2 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
TEL : 03-6879-0940(10:00-18:00 Open、水曜休/ Wed closed)

浅草/Asakusa 金継ぎ修理依頼/Kintsugi Repair Request 30分/mins
Please understand that it will take about 1 year to complete the work at this time, as each item is repaired by hand using lacquer.

割れた器の金継ぎ修理依頼は予約制です (こちらは浅草店の予約ページです)
Upon reservation, you can ask our proffessional kintsugi artist at Asakusa studio for repair of your broken ceramics.
【Note】The repair takes about 1 year to complete. We will return the items to the address in Japan. (International shipping is not accepted due to the high risk to damage your items)

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/MU7GG8ovvTaxgYFbA

大切にしている器の修理を、店舗で、あるいは写真を送ってメールで直接ご相談いただけます You can consult with us directly about repairing your vessels, either in our store or by sending us photos by emailing those to us!

器の割れ方はそれぞれ違うため、器の材質や割れ方で修理金額が異なります。 修理のご依頼が殺到しており、一人一人のお客様に丁寧にお見積もりを行うため、予約制になりました。 Since each vessel is broken differently, the repair price will vary depending on the material of the vessel and how it is broken. Due to the influx of repair requests, we now require appointments in order to provide each customer with a detailed estimate of the cost.

店舗にご来店いただいての見積もり・ご相談は無料です。Estimates and consultations are free of charge.

おひとり様最大30分を確保させていただき、ご予約された方が優先となります。遅刻された場合、後にご予約が入っていましたらお待ちいただく場合があります。A maximum of 30 minutes per person will be allotted, and priority will be given to those with reservations. If you are late, you may be asked to wait if you have a later reservation.

見積もり後、ご納得の上ご依頼いただく場合はその場でお支払いとなり、修理が開始されます。ご納得いただけない場合はお預けいただかなくて問題ございません。Only when you are satisfied with our estimate, we wil start repairing. If you are not satisfied with our estimate, we will not begin the repair and you wil take your item home.

修理見積りのおおよその金額はこちらをご参照ください💰Click here for an approximate repair estimate. (In Japanese) https://kintsugi-girl.com/7413/

【金継ぎがお受けできない物】/ Items which we cannot repair with kintsugi
・一番長い部分が30cm以上の品物 / Items with the longest part longer than 30 cm
・土鍋やケトル(金継ぎ後は95℃以上のお湯を入れてのご使用、直火でのご使用はNGとなります)/ Earthenware pots and kettles (After kintsugi, it is not acceptable to use these pots or kettles with hot water over 95℃ or over an open flame.)
・薄張りのグラスや、分割数が多い割れのガラス / Thinly lined glass or broken glass with a large number of divisions
・グラスのステム部分の割れ(ステム部分が細い場合、修理後の強度が保証できない為)Broken stem part of glass (if the stem is thin, we cannot guarantee the strength of the glass after repair).

※事前にメールでのお問い合わせをおススメいたします!We recommend that you contact us by e-mail in advance!

※器は必ず洗浄してからお持ちください。Please be sure to clean your vessels before bringing them.

海外のお客様へ:英語が流暢ではない金継ぎ師が対応する場合があり、翻訳アプリなどを使ってコミュニケーションを取ります。 For English-speaking customers: Please note that a kintsugi professional who is not fluent in English may serve you. In such cases, we will communicate with you using a translation app/device.

その他ご不明点などございましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください💌 Contact

東京都台東区雷門1丁目1番2号1階 / 1F,
1-1-2 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku, Tokyo
TEL:03-5246-3476(お休みの月水は広尾店へ/ when we are closed, go to Hiroo studio: 03-6879-0940)

恵比寿/Ebisu 蒔絵ワークショップ/Maki-e Workshops 90-120分/mins

Maki-e Workshops at Ebisu Studio (90-120mins) 【Note】You will design/decorate lacquered item with colored urushi lacquer or silver powder.

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VM9McRybPLN2T5im9

① 蒔絵ワークショップでできること



①図案を選ぶ→②図案を素地に転写する🥣→③色漆を作る🌈→④色漆を塗る🖌→⑤色漆または銀粉仕上げ ✨

YouTube動画もあるのでチェックしてみてね!🎬 https://youtu.be/4lSQC9NImls


② 料金(つぐつぐの漆風呂で乾かすサービス付き!)(税込)

9,900円 (蒔絵キットレンタル代込み。蒔絵キットはお持ち帰りになれません)

【お得な情報】当日店舗で「蒔絵キット」を購入した場合、キット定価9,980円→6,600円 (3,380円引き!)

※ 金額は前払いとなります

※ 漆の性質上、完全に乾くには1週間ほどかかるため、当日お持ち帰りができません。


1. ご自分の器をお持ちいただけます!(なければ当社が用意しますが、最大1,100円の素地料金がかかり、選択肢は少ないです)


⭕️ (OK!) 蒔絵ができる器:漆器、漆以外の塗料でコーティングされた木材など

❌ (できない) 釉薬のかかったツルツルした表面の陶器や磁器、ガラス、金属など

2. 蒔絵したい図案(デザイン)があれば切り抜きなどをお持ちください!(なければ当社が用意します)



3. 漆が服につくと取れないので、汚れても良い服でお越しください。髪の長い方は束ねる髪留めがあると良いです。








東京金継ぎ教室 つぐつぐ【恵比寿店】(開催地)

東京都渋谷区恵比寿2-21-2 akikito apt. 1階
電話(恵比寿本店)03-6879-0940 ※水曜休み
Email: info@kintsugi-girl.com
浅草/Asakusa 蒔絵ワークショップ/Maki-e Workshops 90-120分/mins
希少!2時間完結の蒔絵ワークショップ Maki-e Workshop at Asakusa Studio for 2 hrs!

Maki-e Workshops at Asakusa Studio (90-120mins) 【Note】You will design/decorate lacquered item with colored urushi lacquer or silver powder.

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/MU7GG8ovvTaxgYFbA

① 蒔絵ワークショップでできること / What you can do

ご自分の器、あるいは当社が用意した器に、蒔絵でデザインできます🤗 You can design/decolate on your item with colored urushi lacquer or silver powdr,

⏰所要時間1.5〜2時間、伝統的な蒔絵を体験🥣食品安全法適合 ( 1.5- 2 hr, traditional approach, food-safe)

①図案を選ぶ→②図案を素地に転写する🥣→③色漆を作る🌈→④色漆を塗る🖌→⑤色漆または銀粉仕上げ ✨
Choose the design -> transcribing the design onto your item -> create and draw colored urushi lacquer (-> springle silver polwder depending on your design )

YouTube: https://youtu.be/4lSQC9NImls

Note: You can take it home 1-2 weeks later, Please pick it up or we will ship it to your home later with the additional fee.

② 料金(つぐつぐの漆風呂で乾かすサービス付き!)Price

¥ 9,900 (蒔絵キットレンタル代込み。蒔絵キットはお持ち帰りになれません)

【お得な情報】当日店舗で「蒔絵キット」を購入した場合、キット定価9,980円→6,600円 (3,380円引き!)
If you purchase Maki-e kit on the day, the kit will be discounted from ¥ 9,980 to ¥6,600 !

※ 金額は前払いとなります Pre-payment required

※ 漆の性質上、完全に乾くには1週間ほどかかるため、当日お持ち帰りができません。
Due to the nature of lacquer, it takes about a week to dry completely, so it cannot be picked up on the same day. There is no charge for pickup by visiting our store, but the shipping will be charged .

③用意する物 / Preparations

1. ご自分の器をお持ちいただけます!(なければ当社が用意しますが、最大1,100円の素地料金がかかり、選択肢は少ないです)Please bring your own vessel.

【注意】素材によって、蒔絵がデザインできるものとできないものがあります。If not, we will prepare it for you, but there is a maximum charge of 1,100 yen and not many options.

⭕️ (OK!) 蒔絵ができる器:漆器、漆以外の塗料でコーティングされた木材など / (OK!) Vessels on which maki-e can be done: lacquer ware, wood coated with paint other than lacquer, etc.

❌ (できない) 釉薬のかかったツルツルした表面の陶器や磁器、ガラス、金属など / (Not possible) Pottery, porcelain, glass, metal, etc. with glazed and smooth surface

2. 蒔絵したい図案(デザイン)があれば切り抜きなどをお持ちください!(なければ当社が用意します)If you have a design you would like to Maki-e, please bring a cutout of it! (If not, we will prepare it for you.)


・当ワークショップは1日限定開催で、漆を乾かす時間の関係から、隣接しない色漆デザイン、あるいは銀仕上げのみのデザインのみとなります。Due to the drying time of urushi, only non-adjacent colored urushi designs or designs with silver finish only will be available.
・色漆と銀仕上げの複合デザインや、色漆の上に色漆を重ねるデザインは時間を空けて2日に分けて作業が必要なため、当日完結することができませんが、6,600円で2回目の受講が可能です。However, if you have purchased a maki-e kit, you can take a second workshop for 6,600 yen.
・2回目の受講日は、蒔絵ワークショップ開催日でもOKですが、つぐつぐがたくさん金継ぎ教室のどの時間でもお越しいただき作業できます!(週5日、11コマ開講中)The second class can be held on the day of the maki-e workshop, or you can come and work at any time during Tsugu Tsugu's kintsugi classes! (5 days a week, 11 classes are being offered)

3. 漆が服につくと取れないので、汚れても良い服でお越しください。髪の長い方は束ねる髪留めがあると良いです。
Please wear clothes that you do not mind getting dirty, as the lacquer will not come off if it gets on your clothes. If you have long hair, it is better to have a hair clip to tie it up.

④その他ご予約時の注意 Other notes for reservations

【ご来店の遅れについて】About Delay


If you do not show up for your appointment within 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment time, we will consider your appointment as cancelled without notice. If you are late for your reserved time due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact us as soon as you know. However, we will not be able to extend the workshop end time.

【キャンセル規定】Cancelation Policy

当日キャンセル:受講料の100%をご請求いたします。Cancellation on the day: 100% of the course fee will be charged.

連絡のない状態での無断キャンセル:受講料の100%をご請求いたします。Cancellation without notice: 100% of the course fee will be charged.


東京金継ぎ教室 つぐつぐ【浅草店】Tokyo Kintsugi Workshop Tsugu Tsugu - Asakusa Studio

東京都台東区雷門1丁目1番2号1階 /1F, 1-1-2 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku, Kyoto, Japan
TEL(浅草店/Asakusa) 03-5246-3476 ※月・水曜休み(Closed on Mon & Wed)
TEL(恵比寿本店/Ebisu)代表電話:03-6879-0940 ※水曜休み(Closed on Wed)
Email: info@kintsugi-girl.com

金継ぎつぐつぐ / Kintsugi TSUGU TSUGUの基本情報

〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿2丁目21−2akikito apt.1階

月 10:00 - 18:00

火 10:00 - 19:30

水 定休日

木 10:00 - 18:00

金 10:00 - 18:00

土・日 10:00 - 18:00